Thursday, September 17, 2009

To tweet, or not to tweet?

Please answer the poll question posted to the right. I need to know if all the effort I put in to tweet scoring plays from each of the Sunday afternoon games was worth it or not. Did I drive you crazy? Did you love it? Did you even notice?

Let me know. I don't mind doing it if enough of you like it, though, sadly, family/business commitments will get in the way on occasion and make it impossible for me sit in front of the Red Zone Channel every week.

Please note that I am NOT asking about tweeting game-day actives and inactives. I will continue to tweet those regardless of the result of this poll (again, time permitting).

Chief Fantasy Fool


  1. I went into last week thinking that it would be annoying but I ended up liking it. So, I say tweet. Also - start watching your replies on twitter.
